Training lawyering skills for studentsAt SNUPLC, law students have the opportunity to work in an applied setting, with real world clients on real world cases. Students learn to integrate their theoretical legal training to legal problem solving like legal professionals.
Training law students to care about the public interest career counselingAt SNUPLC, law students benefit from a practical education in public sector, with a particular emphasis on the importance of civic values, ethics and professional responsibility.
Training public interest minded law studentsWe offer law school students practical education and field experiences in public sector, and foster legal professionals who uphold public values, ethics and responsibilities.
SNULaw Public Interest & Legal Clinic Center(SNUPLC) was established to ensure that SNULaw’s graduates enter their careers practice-ready and with a strong sense of civic duty.
The center provides its students with structured opportunities to think and act like legal professionals in the context of real-life projects.